Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Its such a blessing to serve the LORD!

It has been a very full two weeks I cant believe September is already half over! There is so much to tell, 2 Sundays ago my sister Samantha got SAVED!!! It was amazing and one of the most blessed moments of my life. Praise God for doing a work only He can do. Each of us has grown so much since we have arrived. This last Sunday we had a Western Round-up service followed by a cook off and pony rides for the kids. My sister Got baptized after the morning service and we all enjoyed some great southern cookin' afterward.

Last night I caught Matthew counting as he lined up his cars it was so neat watching the kids grow and learn. Audrey is very interested in the potty in fact its all she wants to do. she rips off her diaper and climbs up several times a day, she just does not seem to understand that she needs to sit on the potty BEFORE she goes not right after. LOL!! She is only 18 months.

My sister has applied for enrollment at Pensacola Christian College and is excited about getting things situated. Pray for her as she gets all of her required paperwork done and tries to raise some money for this up-coming semester.

I am 38weeks and 3days along in my pregnancy, we had one false alarm last week, I really am sad about not having my good friend Tammy here to be my Doula like at my last two births. I could not seem to get comfortable during my labor-y episode last week not having my comfort person with me. Its hard to imagine what this time will be like not having my planned birth team avail.

A few things we are looking forward to over the next few weeks\months are our harvest festival in Oct and in the beginning of Nov we have FAMILY CAMP!! I have always wanted to go to a family camp with church, I cant wait!

Please pray for us: as we are looking for a second vehicle that is fuel efficient, as we are financially getting back on our feet and having to adjust our budgeting accordingly, and as we are preparing for the upcoming birth of our #3.



  1. God is so good all time, isn't He?!!! We are so glad to see God's blessings in your lives! Praise the Lord for Samantha's salvation, we'll be keeping her in our prayers as she grows in the Lord!

    Love to all of you!

    Mrs. Taylor
    Phil. 4:13

  2. Oh I was so happy to read this today! I am so excited for you and glad the LORD is blessing you in so many ways :) please e-mail soon so we can chat a little more.

  3. Heard you had another sweet girl! Congrats!
    What a blessing that your sister got saved!

    Family camp sounds like fun:-)
