Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nesting Nicely

After a beautiful housewarming from our new church family we officially moved into our new home. its so wonderful to have a place to call our own. The kids love all the space to play and my sister loves having the guest room to herself! The neighborhood is quite and after our 3 day tropical storm we have been able to enjoy turning the air conditioner off and opening all the windows! Alabama is so pretty, its green and full of such sweet people.

Pastor preached an awesome semon last night out of Psalm 39 on how silence can be golden. how true! we hung around after the service and enjoyed fellowshiping with a few families...Matthew and Audrey are enjoying there new friends, Matthew is communicating so much better since the start of the school year. He is learning his colors and how to color in the lines, Ms. Amy his teacher says he is doing so good!

Today I am 36wks and 3days along in my pregnancy, I felt my first rush of energy this morning and used it to clean the kitchen, bathroom, windows and unpack the last few things to make our home complete. We are getting our washer and dryer tonight and my sister and I will be up late washing away!

I will post pictures soon!

Praise God for all the wonderful things he has done for us!


  1. Looking forward to pics! Love how happy you sound. Call sometime. Miss you and love you. XOXO

  2. So excited for you guys!!!! Keeping you in my prayers (you and the baby!)

    Mrs. Taylor
    Phil. 4:13
